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Dec 07, 14 · Hi there Testing this mod out for a mod pack (love the idea that the animals need some requirements for survival too!) and one of the testers reported the following Hungry Animals Definitely has to be dialed back, in my opinion I've beenHerdCraftMod 导致魔戒mod的动物无法达到成年体积,达到则会导致游戏崩溃。 RotaryCraft/DragonAPI 旋转工艺 物品ID冲突,游戏无法正常启动。 部分兼容的mod 这些mod可以同魔戒mod一同使用,它们不会导致游戏崩溃,但会导致一定程度上的卡顿或某些机制异常。建筑兼容 (Buildcraft Compat) 共13票占5000% UE 通用电力 (Universal Electricity) 共12票占4000% 星际之门 (LanteaCraft) 共11票占5000% Waila 高亮信息拓展 (What am I looking at) 共15票占4286% Wanion Lib 共5票占3846%

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Mod compatibility This page shows all known SMAPI mods and (incompatible) content packs, whether they work with the latest versions of Stardew Valley and SMAPI, and how to fix them if not If a mod doesn't work after following the instructions below, check theNo software support is to be given from SoggyMustache ("Author") unless otherwise statedJun 11, 21 · 128,717 Downloads Last Updated Jun 11, 21 Game Version 1165 Download Description Files Issues Source Relations This mod will make attacking mobs also alert other nearby mobs of the same type For example attacking a pig will cause all other nearby pigs to panic

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